Wednesday, August 5, 2015

CUWP Writing Retreat

I have spent the better part of the last 2 days writing and conversing with other writers. The few of us that are here are teachers. Teachers who teach writing, love to write, and are looking for others to engage students in writing.

I started writing a story in 2009. The idea was to show my students to put pencil to paper and write. The story has turned into a love story. When I learned or remembered that I love to write, I never thought I would write a love story. However, that is the way it turned out.

Yesterday I began writing the "bad" part. It took me a long time to have the courage to write it. Life was going well for my love birds. I didn't want anything bad happen to them. So, I avoided writing. I'm having a difficult time writing now, because it is only going to get worse.

I sometimes wonder if Heavenly Father feels the same way. I realize that we can choose our path, and literally speaking two characters in book are at the mercy of the author. Does He cry because He sees the path laid before us, and the path just ahead is riddled with rocks, boulders, and debris that seem insurmountable just like I do for my two characters?

I imagine that my two characters cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel. I, like them, am on a debris strewn path where I am unable to see any light, and feel that the light will never show itself. Unfortunately, much of the debris before me was placed there by me. I would like to think that Heavenly Father sheds tears for me even in my own stupidity.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Confessions of a Fat Man

I am 48 years old. I have 5 beautiful children, whom I love dearly. More importantly I have a wife whom I love ever so much, and is my best friend. I have not made life easy for her, but she has stuck with me and we have become stronger for it. 

I had been 27 years old for about a month, I had been home for about 2 1/2 months from basic training and petroleum supply school for the Army National Guard, and felling pretty healthy, I found myself in the hospital lying flat on my back. I had just come from the cath lab where my cardiologist had cleared two blockages and placed two stents in the arteries of my heart. That was the beginning.
Within the next 6 months I was in and out of the hospital a few times. To make a really long story a little shorter, two more stents placed in my arteries, I had my first heart attack, quadruple bypass surgery, and two more heart attacks a couple of months later. 

Over the next several years I had more arteries cleaned out and another set of bypasses. For the last several years, I have been keeping the arteries open with medications, though I have been to the hospital for check ups my arteries continue to remain open.

It's obvious from the title that I do not by any means take care of what God has granted me over the years. When it comes to eating healthy my excuse continues to be "It is more stressful to  eat healthy, than to not. For example, the last several years my friends and I will tell that my excuse for drinking Cherry Coke so that I can drink a serving of fruit a day (Yes, I know this is a fallacy). My soda intake seemed to grow exponentially.

I don't exercise. I use all of the excuses, too lazy, not motivated, you can list the rest of the excuses. Mostly, I never set aside the time, because I feel that I don't have the time, and quite honestly sometimes it hurts to do it. But my biggest excuse would start with the statement, "When I get..." or "After I..." or "I'll do it when..."

I have known for years that if you don't do whatever it is you say your going to do before a specific event, you more than likely won't do it after the said event, or worse yet, the event never takes place. For example, "I'll be happy after I get a new car." Then you'll find something else you need to get before you'll be happy.

I finally realized what I was saying. I was saying the same thing about being healthy. So, I've decided the time is now to make a change. I know very well that the changes I make will not be drastic, or come hard and fast. I know myself well enough to know that those kind of changes won't become habit.

Holly and her family moved into our neighborhood about the same time we did. Holly and I attend the same church. She had heard about my medical condition, and one particular Sunday said she had a product she would like me to try. I did try what she offered.  I liked what I read, and what I saw. More importantly I liked how felt afterward.

I am starting an adventure to better health. Like many others who make lifestyle changes I needed help. With the help from Holly and It Works! Global, I will be working to live a healthier lifestyle. If you would like to join me go to

Friday, June 26, 2015

Cheese and Grapes

For a snack I really like cheese and grapes. I will eat a couple of grapes and then take a small bite from a cheese stick. It is really good. I personally like purple grapes. I usually don't get surprised by sour grapes with purple grapes.

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's been a long time!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sweet Surprises

A month or so ago I resumed to write my story about Brian and Carly. I take some time at lunch at type a few lines. Sometimes I am able to write a few words before bed. However, today I was surprised at the turn of events in this book. I was so surprised I made my class suffer through me telling them about the surprise.
As you know from posts a year and a half ago that Brian asked Carly to marry him. Though 18 months have passed Brian and Carly's relationship is still very new. Brian has already met Carly's family and they have traveled to Brian's hometown so Carly can meet Brian's family.
Carly woke Brian up for a morning run. This is something they do often. While running, Carly was unusually quiet. Carly then discusses that something doesn't feel right. Brian is thinking that Carly is having second thoughts about getting married. As I am putting this on paper my heart is pounding anticipating why Carly is feeling this way. I was so nervous. I had to know why Carly was feeling they way she was. As I typed the last line before my students came in I finally learned the reason for Carly's hesitation.
Now, if I'm the author of the story shouldn't I know the what's and why's? The surprise came in the fact that I was anxious to know because I didn't know; like I had to keep reading. In this case keep writing. It was a pretty cool feeling. I hope to have it again and more than once.
Thanks for letting me share,


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Battles of Weary Soul

I have spent the better part of the last several months fighting battles that occur in the recesses of my mind. However, those recesses of my mind have been found very much in the forefront of my mind.
I will tell you that that up to this point the battles have been bloody (not literally); and that I have lost a vast majority of them.
Because of the topics over which these battles are fought are personal, I am unable to share them. But as I ramble I hope you understand.
More than once at teacher meetings last week I found myself wanting to sneak out and hide in my room. I was afraid that of what may happen if I had to deal with them publicly. They were addressing a few of the topics over which this war was taking place. I didn't leave and stuck with it without too much damage being done.
Reminders of these battles seem to be just about everywhere. It's kinda like, trying to get away from yourself when you get on your own nerves. Think about it; you can't even get away from yourself when you sleep. However, I am reminded that a good movie will help you escape for a little while. Just know that your may find your troubles sitting outside the theater doors.
I will share that I am very blessed. I work a job that I like. Jen is very supportive and extremely patient with me. My children have been fun to watch grow up. Lindsey is now in college and seems to be enjoying the opportunity to spread her wings.
Ashley is fun to listen to when she is playing the organ in church. I was very excited when Bishop Kitchen suggested the idea. She plays the prelude and postlude music in Sacrament Meeting.
Nathan is one big boy. He's a lot stronger at 14 than I ever was at that age. I like to see his tender heart and would like to see it more often.
Maggey is looking just like Lindsey. I think she is taller than Lindsey. Her classroom is clear across the school and that will mean less hugs from her at school.
Abbey is a smart kid. I like to hear her talk about school. It's a lot of fun when she spouts out some fact and Maggey says, "Where did you learn that?" and Abbey's reply is, "In class."
I think I'll be all right. There's probably not any other option, is there? Than to be all right?
May God grant you the righteous desires of your heart. I am grateful to you for reading and letting my soul find some resemblance of peace in you, if only for a short time.
To you with as much love as I can give,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm Still Here

I do apologize for neglecting my blog. It is not that I have not had anything to say; I actually forgot about it until I was reading a conference talk from October's Conference.
There is so much I could write, but most of it would be boring to you; and I'm not sure I could count it as writing in my journal because it wouldn't be listed among those pages.
School is going pretty. Much to my surprise, as well as my fifth grade colleagues, we were able to move into three of the new rooms that have been added to our school. We moved in the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Needless to say I spent a considerable amount of time arranging and organizing over the holiday. It has been wonderful to have storage space and enough room to move around. I had some excellent help while moving. Thanks to Jen, Lindsey, Ashley, Nathan, Maggey, Abbey, and Sarah, my student teacher, the move into my new went very smooth.
In the beginning of November I went to St. George for two marching band tournaments. As always, it was fantastic. Thanks ALee for the accommodations. They were fantastic as always. We were able to see Ross and are glad that he's a least able to keep food in his belly.
I am way cool now. I was given an old Droid phone with a data plan. I love it, Jen hates it. The phone was free, what do you expect? I love being cool, even when it is a self appointed cool. And my cool is self appointed (currently).

Monday, October 25, 2010

St. George

This past weekend, Ken, the Greenwood's custodian, invited me to play in a softball tourny in St. George. This the first time I have played softball with adults since 1993.
I had a great time. I was the second oldest guy on the team.
Let me tell you...there are some softball fanatics out there. Ken invited guys he knew that liked to play. We haven't played together before. We played teams that have been playing for years. Needless to say we got spanked pretty bad. I'll tell you what I had a good time.
I got to meet Little Ross while I was there. However, he was in the ER with an IV. I tried to tell him there are better ways to get attention. I'd like to thank Jason for the little bit of humor. Jason wasn't home when ALee took Ross to the hospital. When he arrived home the neighbor told him that they had just taken Ross the hospital. Jason's first thought was, "They couldn't do that we buried him 3 months ago." It took him a minute to realize it was Little Ross and not his father-in-law, who in fact was buried 3-4 months ago.
Similarly, when mom called to tell me that Dad is gone. My first thought was, "Where did he go? Did he go get a Coke or something?"
Then mom said he's not breathing. "Oh, he's gone." I sure do miss him. Even now sometimes I forget that he had died.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Congrats Rwanda!!!!!

An article in TFK (Time for Kids magazine) said that a shop in Butar, Rwanda is the first to serve soft serve ice cream. This just happened in the last couple weeks. All of the ingredients can be obtained locally. If I remember correctly the name of the shop is called Sweet Dream.
I take so much for granted!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I have a Confession

My confession is this. I have been painting the outside of our house. It has been on my Honey Do list for 3 years. If I keep it up Jen might think that the stuff that has been on the list for several years just might get done. Time will tell. I may have to rest for about 3 years before I do another item on the list.
Though that is my confession I really want to celebrate a small discovery. I am afraid of heights. Climbing trees and ladders have not been my strong suit. However, I have discovered that as I have been painting my house that the fear that I've had climbing ladders is nonexistent. When I realized this I felt great. I just wanted to share my small celebration with you. In life we need to celebrate what we can no matter how small or insignificant.