Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ramblings of Really OLD Man!!!!

I want to ramble, but I really have nothing to ramble about. However, I have spent the last 2 nights at my favorite hotel. I get a hot shower, meals in bed, waited on hand and foot. Are you jealous? I have not received the bill for this visit, but hey I won't have to pay for most of the bill.
No, Dave I have not gotten the hospital confused with the Hilton. I have been in both. I currently cannot justify going to the Hilton. Everyone would just think that I am slacking. Some may think that I am a slacker anyway (they're probably correct).
I am ready for a chocolate shake with chocolate chip cookie dough.
The marching band had its first competition today down in Payson. They did really well. Their theme is The Greatest Generation. There are 10 foot posters from the WW II era. I would invite anyone who would like to come. Talk with Lindsey, she would be happy to give you a schedule of her competitions.
Well, I am saying goodbye for now.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hello Again

Hey All ya' All,
Obviously it has been a while. I will blame it on the start of school and we have trouble with the internet at home. Nathan did some voodoo for us and got it working.
Many of you know that I was in the hospital last week. During lunch break in a meeting last week I went to lunch. When I got back to my meeting I was not feeling very well. I had a hard time breathing. After some discussion with Jen I decided to go to the hospital. It was a lot of the samo-samo. They never find anything.
I was kept over night. During the night I had an episode. I ended up with 3-4 EKG's within an hour and 2 shots of morphine. Unfortunately, it didn't put me to sleep.
I was discharged and went across the street for a test. I have never had this one before; for a heart test anyway.
They use an MRI now and then inject you with a medicine that gets your heart to work. Then they have pictures of before and after.
The week since has been somewhat stressful. They usually are. Jen went to Long Beach for a conference. I don't do well playing Mr. Mom. I had better go for now.