Friday, October 30, 2009

The First of November is when?

I cannot believe how fast the month of October flew by. With the events of Sep and October I am glad that it moved quickly.
Today was our Halloween Parade at school. Unfortunately, I didn't have the patience to come up with a costume. I did wear a BYU shirt and hat. But I claimed to be me this Halloween. For better or worse it was unique, no one can be me. However, I did wear my name tag the reads UNKNOWN where my name should be written (thanks to Cory Adams Photography).
This year's class was probably the most creative I have had in my 13 years of Holloweens at school. I believe that only one of my students didn't dress up...maybe 2 or 3. Thanks to Kris Pontious we had a great party. Thanks to all you room mothers out there! You are greatly appreciated.
We spent part of the evening with the Vigues across the street. Syndey asked what my happy and sad was today. I told her that my happy was that I bought 2 tires for the van, got the oil changed, and bought some windsheild wipers. My sad was that I had to pay for all of those things. I was thankful. The salesman at Big O charged me the same price for today's purchase as for the tires they put on the car in February. I was able to get all of it done in about 45 minutes, and I certainly loved that. Now I can sleep in tomorrow before heading to USU.
I am going to read some more.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Firsts in Life

Life is full of firsts. For example, taking that first step, the first time you laugh, the first time you ride your bike without training wheels, the inevitable first crash on your bike; first love, first kiss.
Well, I experienced another first yesterday. Last week a new student was assigned to my class. This student came from Singapore by way of Hawaii. She had never seen snow. Singapore has summer weather year round. I learned this from this student's dad. It started snowing yesterday just before lunch. I lined the students up and we marched outside in the snow, wind and cold. We stayed out for about 15 seconds or so, okay maybe a little longer. She stood outside and and got snow in her hair.
When I said something about it later in the day she just smiled. It was the first time that I got to introduce a student to her first experience with snow.
Pausing a moment to think of other firsts. The first of two home runs (both grand salamis by the way).
The first time we drove to Snow College to start the college thing. I remember driving by Mona and Freeway moaning "Mona". I think it was from some advertisement at the time.
Ah, Snow College. I have very fond memories of that place and time. Dave Owens telling that I am trying out for Ascension, Snow's show choir. The only time that I ever sung in group before that was when I was in 8th or 9th grade in a barbershop group. Being on my own. It scares me to death now that I'm an adult and looking back. How did I ever do it? What were my parents thinking? Letting some punk kid go out on his own at the ripe old age of 17.
Will I let my crew do such a thing? Maybe I'll become president of the US and then my kids will need a detail to follow them around. That's what I'll do. This way it won't be me following them around and they can't blame me for keeping tabs on them. Who is going to vote for me?
I'll let you tour Air Force One. For your information: Air Force One is any plane the presidents happens to be on. So, if I'm the PRES. and I'm sitting on a Cessna 152 that becomes Air Force One. A Cessna 152 is a little 2 seat trainer. Be careful with the promises I make. If I'm the president can I make the air force take me up in an F-16? or an Apache?
Hey, if I'm president I will be the first one from Utah. How's that for a first?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Joe the Average Writer...NOT!!!

One of my CUWP Fellows has started his own blog. During CUWP I loved to hear what Joe had written. As I read his blog I could hear his voice in what I was reading.
Joe welcome to the blogging scene. I have put his blog site on my list.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

I have spent the last 3 days in bed. Between a fever, body aches, and a cough. I am ready for a vacation. Unfortunately these last 3 days have been my vacation. I have decided to go to school tomorrow I'm tired of my vacation, and Jen is telling me that I am staying home. If I am going to be feeling gunky I might as well do it at school where, I can be productive. I'm certainly not being productive here.
I need to go take care of dinner.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Hey All,
I can only get to my homepage on Facebook. I can't comment on anything or look at messages in my box. None of my links work.
Lindsey is doing well. She still feels a little sore. She did stay home from school yesterday and slept to 1:45. Oh, how she needed it. Her countenance is better as well.
Last night while Lindsey was at the ball game and Nathan, Jen and Ashley were at YM/YW, I had the special privilege of taking 2 beautiful girls to the movie. I got to sit in the middle while the two of them past a 7UP and popcorn over me. I got to have each girl lay her head on each shoulder. All you guys out there, "Eat your HEART out!!!"
I'm not sure if the Sticky Shoe is all that wonderful, but we had a great time. It really depends on the company regardless of where you are. Maggey, Abbey, and I went to see Ice Age 3. It has been a while since I have taken them on a date. I really liked it. They are a good crew.
There's not much more news on the homefront. Jen is working hard as always, doesn't matter which job she's doing. This sounds mean, but I wish I could kick her off the planet so she can rest from her current load of cares. Oh, how that woman needs a hotel, hot shower or a jetted hot tub, and 24 hours to sleep. After that she could use a good hot meal. Then probably another 12 hours to sleep. That just might be enough to recharge her batteries.
I do wich I could give it to her.
It is way past my bedtime. So, to all of you, good night.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An Observation of an OLD Man

Though the hour is quite late I will still say that tonight was a beautiful night. AF Marching Band attended BYU's Rocky Mountain Tournament. I don't know the official title and currently am not concerned.
I went early enough to see many of the bands play. I was impressed with Bingham, Lone Peak, and others. However, my concentration was not necessarily who performed best, but that the kids of American Fork could do a show of which they could be proud. Also, being a proud and unbiased father (hahahaha) I was concerned with the one member of the band that lives in my house. I've learned how she marches and have learned to pick her out pretty well.
They did themselves proud and honorably paid tribute to a fallen comrad. I was impressed by the many red and black ribbons and/or black arm bands that were worn by many bands and spectators alike. Oh, how would love to get on a loud speaker and personally give thanks for the support we have received as a community and as a family.
During BYU's performance tonight someone had let go a flock of doves. This flock flew in beautiful formation over the stadium. I wonder if many people noticed them.
Mostly likely what Iam about to say may sound anti-climatic, and/or weird, but forgive me and take it in the spirit in which it is intended.
After it became dark it rained for the most part the rest of the evening. I could look up and see it falling through the light; and though I could see it I couldn't feel it. I want to say it was an odd sensation, but that would not do it justice or doesn't quite fit. My pants, jacket, and hat were wet, but I just didn't feel the rain. I would even hold my hands out in front of me and still couldn't feel the rain. When we arrived home this evening I could feel it then.
Abbey said, "Dad, when you look into the rain it looks like on Star Wars when the ships go really fast." I don't remember feeling the rain then either.
The band had placed Heather's picture on one of their props with the caption that quoted the scripture that reads, "Greater love hath no man this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In a conversation with a childhood friend of mine I made the comment that if I could die and have that said of me, I'd die a happy man.
For those band members that are still struggling with the events of the last few days. May our Heavenly Father bless you with that which you need. And for all of you that you may use what you have gained by this experience and make you part of the world a better place.
Have a rockin' awesome day!!!!


Monday, October 12, 2009

The Next Day

Today was still emotional for me at school. I was glad to get home. I really loved seeing my kids when I got home.
My spirits are much better now that I have been able to be home and just be with the fam.
Lindsey is still sore and has found a couple more bruises. She is also happy that she has her backpack back. A couple of dads went up to get the students' stuff. They had to get it from the bus. Lindsey's flute is also intact. That is another sweet sorrow. She is in need of a new flute. I know, I know...a very difficult way to get a new flute.
We are so thankful for the all the family and friends that offered prayers in our and Lindsey's behalf. We are still hearing about many of the Lord's tender mercies.
Much love and thanks from this OLD Man.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Day of Sweet Sorrow

The following is something that I wrote concerning the last 24 hours. Please excuse the mistakes you find. I don't have the heart to edit/revise this post.
As many of you now know that Lindsey was on the bus that crashed last evening. She is doing okay even through the many of her own tears as well as the rest of the family.
Miss Emmy sent Jen a text last night saying that a bus had flipped. I was in that space between sleep and awake when Jen came into our bedroom and told. This information took several minutes to actually sink in.
When it finally did Jen was in Maggey and Abbey's room. At this point she was talking to Emily (Miss Emmy). This was when Jen had learned that it was the bus that Lindsey was riding. It was about this time that phone calls to and fro started. We kept busy between our land line and our cell phones.
I cannot say how long it was from the time that we learned that Lindsey was on the bus that crashed and we were able to talk with her. Suffice it to say to hear her voice was wonderful joy to experience.
Through the night we received many phone calls asking about Lindsey and is there anything that could be done. At the time, prayer was the only answer. Over a period of 2 hours we debated whether we needed to drive to Pocatello. Thanks to Jeff, who knew the nurse that was with the band, we were able to make an informed decision and decided to remain home.
Around midnight Jen decided to go to the high school. When she arrived the parking lot was full and many people mulling about. Someone had provided hot chocolate. When arrived later I met Jen in the doorway leading into the bandroom. A group of students were in the bandroom singing.
After 1 AM 3 buses arrived. Each bus load of students were escorted into the band. It was there that the students were given the opportunity to sing Friends and then students were able to come out and be hugged and kissed. After crowds started to disipate I became anxious about the arrival of my own child.
Lindsey's bus came home about 3:15. She was near the front the bus and I saw her immediately. When I saw her I just wanted to jump on the bus and hold her. She had to take care of a couple of responsibilities and then she was hugged me and we cried. Jen hugged her from behind.
After a few hours sleep we got up and went to church. As this day progressed the realization of what could have happened, but didn't.
As Jen put it we knew our daughter was coming home. However, one set of parents would not be getting the same privilege. Many tears have been shed for the daughter that would not be coming home. Her passing has affected many people whether they knew her or not. The key is what we choose to do with this affect.
God Bless All!!!