Monday, December 29, 2008

My Project was Funded

I have been raising money to purchase an audio system for my classroom. It was fully funded today. Within the next month or so I should be receiving the equipment. After I get installed we can start using it. My students will be so excited when I tell them next Monday. At least I hope they will be as excited as I am when they hear the news.

Old Man

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I was able to go out to dinner with my siblings last night. I always enjoy going out with all of them. Instead of going to 5 Alls this year we went to Olive Garden. We were suppose to go to Mom's house afterwards and sing hymns, but due the wait at OG and some needing to get home we did not get to sing.
Colleen reminded me how old she is; I have trouble believing that she is as she says she is. She is much younger than her age.
I love to be with Todd. For me he is a lot of fun to talk to. He works hard and I believe to be respected by many. I didn't learn until recently that Todd's smile is very contagious. I wish that I had gotten some of the energizer bunny gene that he got. My basement would probably be finished by now. Jeanne is fun to watch with her grandchildren. Such a proud grandma. I have also enjoyed talking about books with her. Though Juli is not shy, but she is the quiet one. I love seeing the pictures she takes and reading her blog. If you need it she would give you the shirt off of her back. Dave adds the humor to the family. ALee's first marriage took place the day before I came from the hospital from heart surgery. Her reception was that night in Centerville. I told Jen that I was going she could take me or I'd drive myself. When we got there, Dave was in the parking lot and said, "I know why you are here, but do you need a kick in the butt?" I told him yes, but asked if he could wait about 8 weeks to do it. Several years later he has not kicked my behind yet. Dave also took me deer hunting the only time I have gone. He is also a hard worker. I am amazed how long he works for the power company when they are having trouble. Definitely, much stronger than I am.
Jason is also a hard worker and is full of information. He also good humored. I wonder what kind of bishop he will be. Though we don't go very often I love to visit with ALee and Jason. I love to hear ALee play the piano. I was able to listen to play in Mom's ward today. It was wonderful. She also makes great cinnamon rolls.
They are all very giving and loving and only wished I could return part of what they have given me.
I am not sure how families were decided, but I have been blessed with wonderful siblings and parents.

Old Man

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Time and Jen

There have been several times through this holiday that I thought of things I could blog, but that I am now actually here I really can't remember any.
I have an amazing wife. She really knows how to take care of us. I am sometimes amazed at what she can remember. I am talking about keeping track of schedules, birthdays, etc., not the things that wives are accused of remembering.
She often says that we would not survive without her. Of course she's right. We would struggle. I might be able to do the laundry as long as I could dry everything I wash. She makes sure she attends the children's activities a school and is able to go on a field trip with each of the one of them.
At Christmas time she is also amazing. She tries to make memories each year for all of us to remember, though the kids sometimes aren't sure they want to participate. She loves making toffee every year. Oh, how we love our traditional Christmas breakfast. This year we even got to bake it in our own oven. It was fun to smell it cooking, too.
I am really glad that she likes to go to movies. I believe she converted me to going to the movies. I really didn't go to many movies during my teenage years. Once we were married and could afford to go to the dollar movies we would go to escape our life. It is something that we have kept doing all of our married life. I will admit that I don't mind going to chick flicks (I did find recently that I have my limits; think Mama Mia). I love lifting the arm of the theater chair and snuggling up to her. She even lets me have some of her popcorn. The bad thing about the movies is that I think I have to have a cherry coke in hand regardless if I could drink it or not.
She has sacrifices her bonus checks every Christmas to make our life better. I don't know if she would scrapbook any more if she had the time and money to do it.
I know that if money and time allowed she would love to go through and decorate every room in the house. She would do each room different and love doing it. Then she would probably love doing someone else's house.
I have heard the definition of sacrifice is to give up something good for something better. She has sacrificed those things to be a wife and mom. I hope that the trade was worth it.
Love you Jen,

Old Man

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Christmas was pretty fun at our house. These pictures were taken last night. The pillow cases were made by Grandma Mary. If you can't tell, each child's name is on the pillow case. The kids are also wearing brand new pj's.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Other than Sundays I have only missed going to the gym once in two weeks. Yes, I am impressed with myself. I am not so much concerned with weight, but I do get on the scales twice a week. In two weeks I have lost 1.1 or 1.3 pounds, depends upon how you want to read the scale. I am somewhat surprised that I feel better. My pants seem to be a bit loose. I am thankful for that, too. As I walk, my right shoulder tightens up or sometimes I feel a pain go from a spot in the middle my back to the front of my chest. It seems to depend on the day. I still like lifting weights. I spend a lot of time watching some of the others and then copy some of the things they do. That is how I have learned to work some of the machines. I am still the slowest one on the track, but that's okay, too.
Merry Christmas to all!!!!

Old Man

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I have been blessed with a great class at school. The faculty with whom I teach is wonderful. Today while in the faculty room we got on the subject of kids/teenagers and life after they get out of the house. Two of the teachers with whom I was talking said that we will only remember the good parts and so will they. One teacher stated that her kids seemed to leave all at once, and she balled for a long time. Both teachers are emptinesters and miss having the kids around. A third teacher said she misses them when they were youngsters. I commented that I will forget months of my life at a time. They replied yes.
I do look forward to the quiet days and these teachers also told I'd miss the chaos. I said I probably would, but I'd like some quiet days mixed in with the current chaos. Maybe someday (which isn't a day of the week).
Though none of my colleagues will see this blog, I would like to take the time to thank them for what they do, and let them I appreciate them very much. Many of them have been a great source of comfort and resources of information. I hope to pay it back and pay it forward.
Merry Christmas all!!!!!

Old Man

Monday, December 15, 2008

Rambling Along

Where to begin...?
I have made it to the gym everyday except Sunday all last week. I just about didn't make it today. I was enjoying my warm bed and I knew what it was going to feel like outside. The exercise thing won. I am glad that it did. Most of the time exercise usually loses. I walk for about 30 minutes 3 days a week and lift weights the other 3 days a week. I am surprised at how much I'm enjoying lifting weights. It is almost like I could become addicted to it. When I walk I am always getting passed by just about everyone. Even though I take a nitro pill sometime during my walk my shoulder or back seems to tighten up. I am not concerned about it, and maybe I should. I was told to take a the pill and get working. Every so often I am tempted to run just a bit, just to see what I feel like when doing it. I am sure that my chest would hurt more, but I taking it easy.
This is the last week of school before Christmas. A lot of us are already feeling sluggish. I am looking forward to the break. I am not sure if we have anything fun planned. It will be great to chillax some and get some reading done.
A few weeks ago I told Jen that I would get the basement cleaned out by Christmas. I have spent a few hours working on it, but not enough. At the rate I am going, I will not be able to make it. I will keep plugging away at, I'll get it done.
Saturday we took the kids to see Bolt. It is the best animated movie Disney has done in quite a while. There were several times that at least Jen and I laughed out load. A friend of mine saw the 3D version and really liked it. I would like to see it again. Maybe when it hits the dollar theater.
I am just about finished with Inkheart. The movie for it comes out on Christmas Day or the first part of January. Jen wants to read the book before she sees the movie. The movie looks pretty good. I couldn't tell from the trailer if the movie combines all three books.
I have not read Book 6 of the Ranger's Apprentice. I think I will have trouble putting the book down, and I cannot afford that right now. I will have to wait for the break. I go to the gym later in the morning during the break and will won't be so tired.
Have a most excellent day!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Though I still am very frustrated with the kids. Nathan asked for some help in, and I was more than happy to help. How sad is than?

Frustrated with the Children

I came home tonight from work and there were some chores that needed doing. I asked my son to come and do. Looking me straight in the eye and without any hesitation he said, "I don't think so, it doesn't fit into my schedule." He's 11. I told my youngest daughter to help; again without hesitation she said no, and then fussed for a moment. I am at my rope's end. It makes it so that I do not want to even be home anymore. My oldest, same thing. She got herself into some trouble and was given the dishes for the week. In three days she has done maybe one set of dishes. Our children know that if they wait long enough that we, the parents, will eventually do it. I am always amazed at the comments that their teachers give them. Their teachers have always said how wonderful they are and how helpful. When do we at home get to see this version of themselves. I have tried to be thankful for them acting so "wonderful" in public, but it is not working. My patience just about vanishes when I walk through the door. I am certainly beginning to understand to some degree why some Dads just walk out on the family. More often than not I seem to be at that point. I get so angry. I sometimes hope that when I die they will live with so much regret and sorrow for the way they treat their mother and I.
I am tired of being angry in my home and the constant disrespect that seems to ooze out them. I feel sad that I am at a point that I cannot wait for them to be out of the house. I do know that this will cause me to live with regret. I can't seem to get past it any more. I so much want to say, "I AM DONE!!!!!"
The only time they are fun to be around is when we do not ask them to do any chores or we are planning to go somewhere as a family. Even one of them finds some reason to complain. For instance, on Sunday night Jen and received some tickets to a spiritual event relating to Christmas. Both of our older daughters complained about having to go.
Yes they are teenagers, but I am still at my wits end.
I cannot wait to go on a vacation with just Jen. Even though they will save up all of the garbage they dish until we get home and coming home will be a nightmare. Scarier than any movie they could put in the theater.
I was hoping that this venting would help to feel better, but it is not.
Thanks anyway,

This Old Man

Monday, December 8, 2008

More Exercise and Australia

We managed to go to the rec center 2 times last week...not because we were lazy, but because Jen was being generous with her cold. She thought it was best for me to stay home and rest. I was a good husband and listened to my sweetie and obeyed. One of the few times that I obeyed. Ashley and I did go this morning. I spend my time walking on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the other 3 days of the week I plan on walking and lifting weights. Benching 60 lbs. is not a lot of weight, but I'm hoping to increase it as time goes on.
On to other things; I received my Ranger's Apprentice books today. I took a few minutes and read the first page. Even after reading that little bit I'm ready to dive in. Unfortunately, I need to finish Inkheart. I only have about 100 pages or so. Inkheart is not one of those books that grabs me and makes it hard to put down. It does keep me intrigued enough though.
Love you all.

Old Man

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sunday night Ashley came and asked if we could go to AF Rec Center together to exercise. I had asked her if we cold invite other members of the family. When the family was together that night I said that Ashley and I were going to the rec center in the morning at 5:30 AM. Anyone who wanted to attend was welcome to come. Ashley is so funny. When I made the announcement that we were going the following day she said that she was thinking we would go next month. Both Lindsey and I reminded her that tomorrow (Mon 1 Dec) was the next month.
Monday was relatively easy with because we had the motivation to go. This morning???....was a little more difficult. I think Nathan was the only one with a decent nights sleep.
Yesterday I only walked the track. This morning I went to the weight room and lifted some weights. I need to find an exercise that would work my abdominal area. I need to get those muscles working so it will burn the fat that exists there.
I also uncharacteristicly...someone came to talk to me and I don't remember what I was going to say, oh well.
There is a family that lives in town, in the farm area on the outside of town actually that puts on a living Nativity scene every year. I have known about it, but wasn't sure when it took place. Fortunately, some of their kids are friends with our kids and invited us to come. It was wonderful. We met the wise men, shepherds, and the innkeeper.We also sang Christmas carols at each group we visited. The trail lead to the manger and there we sung the third verse to silent night. It was wonderful.
Merry Christmas,

Old Man