Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have seen Twilight twice within a 26 hour period of time. You may call me crazy, but what can I do. Ashley wanted to go and offered to purchase my ticket. I probably liked it more the second time than the first. I gained a better understanding of why most of the women folk are in LOVE with Edward. This visit I had to keep reminding myself that Bella is a 17 year old. Yes, I believe that 17 year olds are or can be very fickle.
I found myself being curious enough to read the books. I am not sure if I will read the first book, but I could see me reading the others. Hearing pieces of later books I am curious to see how Jacob's character develops and the part he plays in the "keeping our eyes on you." I think that is the line that he says at the dance when he comes from the woods.
I was told that this book stems from a dream that Shannon had. I would be interested in hearing about this dream and it came to span 4 books and a movie. I would also be interested in reading the books to see how she writes.
Wouldn't it be cool to write a book and then see it published and sweep the reading world, not for the money, but just the fact that something you had created is loved by so many people.
I looked at the website for Ranger's Apprentice. That book is published in Australia, US, England, Korea, and one or two other places in Europe. Cool!!!!
Harry Potter is another one. How would it be to have the courage to pursue something as writing a book?
The librarian at my school has published a book, and is looking to publish others. I enjoy talking about books and what it would be like to publish a book. I would like to publish a book just to say that I've published one. If people liked it great, if not, then oh well. I do have a couple of ideas for a book. One would be a picture book. The other would be a chapter book.
I claim to not have time to do all of the research and write. Prioritizing my time is not a talent of mine. Sticking to a plan is not one either. I have been writing a notebook full of math equations and told myself to be done by last Christmas. I have been working on it, but I am far from being done. Once I can get it done I will give to some of my colleagues to use and critique and then start marketing it. I just need to buckle down and get it done. So many dreams and not serious about any of them. I guess that I am just too lazy.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

I have enjoyed the last two days. We spent Thanksgiving with Jen's family. I really lucked out on the in-law department. They are wonderful. We enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal. I have never had a drumstick, but that changed on this Thanksgiving. It was great!!!! Thanks Duane.
For the first time in 19 years I assisted Jen in doing some Christmas shopping. It was a lot of fun. Okay, I didn't get to witness any of the mayhem that I have heard about in years passed, but Jen would stand in line and I went to and fro looking for a few of the products for which we were questing. We shopped for about 6 hours this morning. Then I came home and slept for a couple of hours. This afternoon Jen took me to see Twilight. It was soooooooo much better than Mama Mia. Jen filled in a few details. It was okay. I do have a hard time judging it because of all the hype that has gone with it. I have always had a "whatever" attitude that has gone with it the whole series.
Have a most excellent day!!!

P.S. Linda this is to see if you find me Christmas Oranges.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Like many, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am not sure why so much this year than maybe years in the past, nevertheless I have been looking forward to it.
I do have many things for which I am thankful. Good family, great friends, a job I enjoy. The list could go on for quite sometime.
Simply...THANK YOU!!!!!

This Old Man

Monday, November 24, 2008


When discussing an issue I find myself saying the phrase, "it comes down to definition." Not necessarily a specific definition to a particular word, but how someone may define an action, a common phrase, etc.
I had really never thought that miracles would fit into that category. It never seemed to cross my mind. What one would see as a miracle another may not. Let me share with a miracle at least in the eyes of myself and Jen (my wife). This past year we have been having trouble around our home. Last November our oven went out. After Christmas we made attempts to get it fixed. It lasted most of the year. Last Tuesday our oven was finally fixed. That is almost a year. I dishwasher went out in the spring and went out again 5-6 weeks ago. Our washer went out shortly after the dishwasher. The dryer runs, but not very well. We have spent tons of money and time at either the laundromat or Jen would drag our clothes down to where she works, they have coin operated washing machine. It has not been a pretty sight.
Jen spent sometime looking in the classifieds. She found a set that she thought might be reasonable. She even talked the lady down $100. Well went to get some money out of the ATM and there is not enough money to cover the $250. It was at this time that I started to make my plea. We have been pretty good about paying our tithing and all year long it seems that the "windows of heaven" were opening somewhere else. I thought I was okay with admitting that I could not see the whole picture, and we would somehow, sometime be taken care of. I was still thinking could He just throw me a bone. Yesterday a neighbor told that someone on the street behind us was getting rid of their washer and dryer. We checked them out last night. Jen liked what she saw and asked how they wanted for them they replied, "To get them out of the house." Miracle? YES. Jen is running the first load in the dryer now and the second through the washer. It will be nice to get into a routine again. For awhile I was trying to keep the laundry up to date, but I kept drying clothes that should have been dried. Jen was pretty close to banning me from doing the laundry. I will still keep at it. I can and will do better.
We are very thankful and Jen and I recognize it as a miracle.
This week is a two day work week. Though I love teaching and have found considerable amount of joy this and last year, I am looking forward to some time off.
I am very tired now. The cool thing is that it's one of those happy kind of tired things.
I am going to dream about eating turkey, candied yams , and some sort pie.

This Old Man

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I learned sometime this week that Snow College's football team is playing for Jr. College National Championship in two weeks. This is the second time in as many years. Remembering this information, I was looking on the internet for more information hoping to be able to get to the game. Unfortunately, the game starts just as a meeting I am schedule attended is getting out. The game is being played in ReAl Stadium in Sandy.
As I was looking at Snow's website I enjoyed reminiscing about my Snow College days. Among many other things, I am very fond of the music department. It is certainly fun to see all of the things they are doing.
Nathan was surprised to hear that his ol' Dad could sing and dance at the same time. Okay, maybe that may be a surprise to those who know me, too. Yes, I sang and danced. Jen will confirm that I did it. I might even be able to get a picture from somewhere. How I got there is a fun story for me, but is a little long. If you want to hear it ask me I'll tell you.
I love airplanes. Today we saw 4 F-16's flying over the house today. What a beautiful sight. Nathan and Abbey ran outside, I was able to see them out of the window. That is one dream I would love to live.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am type of person that likes to know a little about a lot of things. How does one change this attitude to studying a few things in depth?
For example, I have a few model planes that I have not touched in about two years. I so want to get back to them, but seem to cannot take the time to do so. I was just searching the net looking for model trains information. It sounds like it would be fun to do, but with the model thing it is probably takes more money that I have available.
There are four hobbies that I would like to study in depth. I do have a couple others, but these are the ones I want to do. They are not in any specific order. First I want to learn how to use my digital camera more effectively. Second, I want to learn how to play the guitar. Third, I want to start working on my model airplanes. Finally, I thought it would be fun to build a model railroad. I have always liked the HO scale. I picture myself staying in that arena. If I decided to start model railroading and found that I liked another scale better, I would not be opposed to changing. Talk about being a kid again. I would work with 10 year olds, it wouldn't be that much of a difference.
Between these things that may be viewed as trivial and all of the other things that I need to do around the house I can tell you where my time and money will be going.
One thing that I take advantage more than I probably should is reading. I have come to enjoy the time I spend reading. My wife turned me into a reader and sometimes I think she regrets it.
The librarian at my school gets me interested in many books. Lately, I have been reading a lot of fantasy. She hooked me on to Ranger's Apprentice. This is a series. There are 9 volumes planned. 1-5 is available in the U.S. Number 6 will not be available here until next spring. If I had money I would order them from Australia. I found out this afternoon that one of the teachers at school has a son on mission there and is coming home in the first week of December. I am tempted to ask if he could bring home the volumes that are available there. Maybe it wouldn't get him too trunky. Number 5 resolves part of the plot, but leaves Will's osculator in the hands of an enemy. I am anxious to learn how he rescues her.
I wrote the author today and got a response. I was surprised that he responded and responded so quickly. I thought it was really cool.
If you have stumbled upon my blog and have read some of my ramblings, thanks for listening.

Trouble Sleeping

I am having trouble sleeping, so I thought I would blog some more. Hey this is why I created my own blog so that I could ramble.

Though my purpose is to ramble I am still not sure how much I want to reveal about myself to whomever finds there way to my blog. I am a little surprised that I have been found. I will assume that Pyper found me through a comment I posted on my sister's blog.
My tag is One Man's Blog. I am debating about making a change to This Old Man's Blog. I will readily admit to being 84 years old. I do that so I can convince myself that I feel pretty good for being such an old man. I remember asking my grandpa, who was 86 at the time, how he was feeling. He replied, "I'm feeling old." I then asked how long he had been feeling old. His response?..."6 months." How would it be to not feel old until the ripe old age of 85. I feel jealous at times for the fact that I couldn't wait until I was 85 before I felt old. I try to console myself with the fact that I had 3 heart attacks when I was 27. Does that give me the right to feel old before 85?
We almost made it one year without the convenience of an oven. Long story, but suffice to say that last November 30 our oven broken. Through a series of events and hundreds of dollars it is finally fixed. Jen bought frozen pizza to bake in it and I made some chocolate chip cookies and baked them. We have all put in our orders for what we want to be baked. If nothing else it will be something the kids can share with their kids, like we share the fact that we had to walk 5 miles to school uphill both ways in 3 feet of snow with no shoes.
I believe I have rambled enough, maybe I can sleep now.
Love you all,


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In Response to Pyper's Question

Pyper asked what is the significance of 35 pennies?
When I was playing army with the national guard I happen to be in the motor pool working on my truck. I had left my BDU (battle dress uniform) top in the break room hanging on the back of the chair. When I came to get my top there was a piece of tape with the name of 5 pennies placed over my name strip. Not very long ago I was talking with Dad and talking about personalized license plates and what we would have on them. I had told Dad about the above story and we thought we could use it somehow. I came up with 35 pennies because with seven of us in this branch of the Nicholes family and nickels, well you all can do the math. This could be a high possibility for a personalized license plate.
Sunday morning I pulled in the parking lot and realized that our bishop has a Dodge vehicle, I have a Dodge vehicle, and the second counselor has a Dodge vehicle. I told the bishop that it appears that it is required to have a Dodge vehicle to be in the bishopric, so I am selling mine. He told me that it get me released from that calling.
To be honest I really like my calling. I have learned much sitting next to Bishop Kitchen. It is different sitting on the other side of the desk to issue a calling. I interviewed Jen for a temple recommend, that was weird. I think it was even more weird for her.
I had better finish for know; I feel I could go all night.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Own

I created this blog for me. I was rambling on the family blog and my wife wondered what I had been smoking. There were some other comments as well.
This is my blog to write as I please. LET THE RANDOMNESS BEGIN!!!!