Saturday, January 31, 2009

Okay Tyler, Here's the Plan

Because I am one of the poor government workers...okay Tyler I am just kidding. I can't afford to pay myself, but at Tyler's suggestion, I can award myself points. I figure 1,000 points is a good goal. I can award myself 5 points for every time I go to the fitness center to work out. I am not much of a water drinker. For every time I drink at least I drink cup of water or so I will give myself 1 point. I really can't give myself points for losing weight. I would give myself points for losing the same couple of pounds. If that sounds confusing it's like this: Tue morning I can weigh 284. On Fri morning I can weigh 281. On Tue I can weigh 283; Fri I am down to 280; Tue I am at 284 again. You get the idea.
Also, I am not a fan of packing a lunch. If I eat a healthy lunch I would award myself 5 points. Exercising and eating a healthy lunch I can earn as much as 65 points in a week's time.
As I have given this some thought, the problem I am coming up with is what is worth a 1,000 points. I am thinking that a Wii would be great, but I'm not sure I can follow through with that. Maybe I'll go get me a prime rib, cook it and eat it all by myself. I think about that one some more.
Thanks again Tyler and Thanks to Ashley for getting me started.

1 comment:

Haylee said...

i hear ya bart! I do not have enough money to reward myself with toys and such....i need to come up with some motivation as well...hopefully I can come up with something...good luck to you as well!