Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Here we go.
If you read past posts you know that I got rid of the couches. Well, Spring Break in our house consisted of three mattresses on the floor in our living room. Nathan, Maggey, and Abbey have been sleeping in the front room. They/we have watched several movies, many of them more than once. With it snowing what else can we do. Maggey, Abbey, Jen and I went to see Monsters Vs. Aliens 3D on Monday. Because I am thinking I owe myself something for working how many ever hours I took us to Arby's for supper. I am almost ready for another sandwich.
Tomorrow we are heading to Grandma Mary's to play games. I told Jen to not wake me up, I'll get up when I'm ready to. I may get up read and go back to sleep.
As you have noticed Lindsey and Ashley are not mentioned here. They are in St. George with ALee. I hope basking in the sun.
This may not sound like a lot to many of you, but we have had a lot of fun. I forgot to mention that we projected the movies up on the wall. We also projected American Idol on the wall to. Ask Jen about American Idol comercials. Actually, you better ask the kids about it. Jen may see it as what happens on spring break stays with spring break.

As for the rest of spring break I will still be working on taxes and maybe doing things around the house.
The grass around the house has never been greener. I am trying to be better about maintaining it. I am trying to get it fuller. Due to my stupidity it has been really bad. I am paying for my mistakes, but still learning.
Thanks for reading,


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