Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just me Rambling

Here comes the rambling...
I find myself wanting to write something, but have nothing to write about. So, hence the rambling.
The teachers on my team asked me today what I needed. My answer was simple, "I need a cruise ship or beach, with an umbrella over my entire lounge chair, kicked back with a great book and a never ending supply of Coke (San Diego came to mind. I could hit a Padre's game as well).
It was here that I learned that one of Amy's, one of my fellow teachers, has a friend that goes around the block asking for donations. She never tells what the donations are for. When they are really donating to her own bank account.
Amy did say that she never donates, but says that her friend is hard to get off the door step. Maybe I should go around the neighborhood asking for donations. Does anyone think it will work?
Juli, I think you owe me $6.00. (Shhhh...Do you think she'll fall for it?)
Okay, I'm done now.

Monday, July 27, 2009

It is the latter part of July and it's begun already!!!

You ask what has begun...well the nightmares of course. What nightmares you ask? The ones about school is my reply. Last night I dreamed that my class was on the stage in our gym and I couldn't get them to do anything. One student kicked me. I took him to the office and told the principal that he was not welcome in my class. I couldn't find the books I needed, and no one was paying attention. I hope this one doesn't come true. If it does, I'm sunk for sure if it does.
This is a little early for me to have nightmares about school.
I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by. I am still trying to work on some projects around the house. However, I will keep plugging away and get done what I can.
That's all for tonight.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Relaxing for a Moment

It has been nice not to have anything scheduled. I haven't been exactly relaxing, though. However, I have been going at a slower pace. Our garden is still half weeds. We have tomato plants. Jen wanted a grape tomato plant. And BOING it has taken over the plants next to it. I love the smell of tomato plants when I move the vines to pull weeds. The backyard is still the best manicured yard of weeds in the city. The front yard is looking pretty good, too.
Can I take this moment to say that I want some Oreo cookies and milk? I could eat a whole bag. Maybe I'll go to Costco and get the 10 sleeved box. I'm feeling fat, but happy.
School starts 4 weeks from tomorrow.Am I even thinking about it? YUP...a little bit. Really, I have too many things planned between now and then. If I can get a fourth of them done I'll consider it a productive four weeks.
Jen and I are taking Lindsey driving on the freeway (at night) so she can get some driving time. It has only been the past couple of weeks that I wished she was driving. She could definitely run some errands for us.
Thanks for listening,


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Institute 2009

I have always loved to write. Today is are second to last day of the Summer Institute. I have enjoyed the writing we have done. I have learned that I do not have much of a vocabulary. I feel much like a true fifth grader among seniors and college students. So inadequate. Nevertheless, I have had a wonderful time being part of this class. I would have to say this has been the best class I have ever taken. I cannot believe how the time has flown by each day. At the end of our day it seems as if we had just started.
To the fellows of Summer Institute 2009 Thank you!!

OLD Man with new tricks

Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh What a Summer!!!

This has been the best Summer I can remember. I'm having a hard time believing that in 5 more weeks school starts again. We have certainly been very busy. First of all we are in our last week of the Central Utah Writing Project. It has been a fantastic 3 weeks, and I am sorry that our time is almost over. I have learned so much about writing. I have enjoyed being able to have time to write. It is the only class that has actually allowed us time to do what we are learning.
One fellow is assigned to write a log. We each take a turn logging the day's events. Some have been very comical. Others have taken on some sort of theme.
Today Ann E. Cannon came a talked with us today. She has authored several books, and also writes a column in the Deseret News. She was very entertaining and educational to boot. This has been the best class I have ever taken. One other benefit is, where can I go to get 8 post graduate credits for only $40? It has been a bargain.
Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we went to Youth Conference. We went to Fish Lake. There were about 18 youth and 8 adult leaders. The kids were great.
On the way down we stopped at Cove Fort. I have never been there. It is a very interesting place. As we learned about the area, I could imagine what it might have looked and been like.
I have had a desire to make a quilt using old levi jeans with Braves pattern fabric on the back. This visit to the fort made that desire even stronger.
Thursday night Bishop Kitchen showed a DVD titled the Reflections of Christ. This is a documentary on a photographer taking pictures depicting Christ in several scenes from His life. They are so beautiful and moving. One pictures depicts Christ hugging John the Baptist after Christ had been baptized. The smile portrayed there was just beautiful. Most of the pictures I have seen of Christ never showed him smiling. Why wouldn't he be smiling after being baptized? It is a happy time and should be celebrated with hugs and smiles.
If you have not seen this DVD, I highly recommend you view it.
Friday night we hiked to the top part of the hill and had testimony meeting. I am so out of shape.
Other than the devotional and testimony meeting I liked Saturday morning the best. I ended up taking several pictures of everyone. I started by taking pictures of Ashley, Lindsey, Brynn, and Tacy. Brynn and Tacy were at our church meetings a week ago Sunday. These are two of the Burnham children and live in Colorado. They were visiting this week. Bishop Kitchen invited them to come with us to Youth Conference. Fortunately, they were able to come with us. It was funny to see most of the boys in the ward go all googly eyed for the both of them. We were glad to have them come with us.
I love you all and hope that things are going well for you.
Be happy and remember to smile!!!!
With much love,


Monday, July 6, 2009

Wasting Some Time

It is quite late, but I can't quite go to bed just yet. I have to give a lesson tomorrow morning in my writing class. Well, sticking true to form I have waited the last minute to do it. I will blame the kids or the weather or maybe my foot.
I have written most of it and I am taking a break so that I can go back to it in a minute and maybe have a "fresh" look at it. This will help in the editing process.
I have really enjoyed this class. It has taught me so much about writing and teaching writing. It has done what it was intended to do. My problem will be trying to remember everything that has been taught to teach to my students.
Today, I learned about parallels in writing. I have never even heard of them before. Janette used some examples of speeches given using this technique. Who knew?
Of a class of 18 students I am one of 3 teachers of elementary aged students. There is one math teacher and the rest are English teachers. They can be intimidating. I haven't felt that way yet, but during my lesson I think I just might feel way intimidated.
We have received about 8 books. All, but 2 are advanced reader's copies. Most of them are for young adult, high school, or even college readers. Nothing I can put on my shelves for students to read.
My writing group is very fun loving and comical. We make Jolene do all of the writing. After a lesson is given and a discussion by the class we meet in our writing groups to write a letter to the teacher that gave the demonstration stating what we liked or what could be changed. We write the letter using what the teacher taught us about. Doing Eric's (the math teacher) letter we wrote using a mathematician's point of view; it was a lot of fun.
I need to get back to my assignment.
Have a great day!!!!