Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Relaxing for a Moment

It has been nice not to have anything scheduled. I haven't been exactly relaxing, though. However, I have been going at a slower pace. Our garden is still half weeds. We have tomato plants. Jen wanted a grape tomato plant. And BOING it has taken over the plants next to it. I love the smell of tomato plants when I move the vines to pull weeds. The backyard is still the best manicured yard of weeds in the city. The front yard is looking pretty good, too.
Can I take this moment to say that I want some Oreo cookies and milk? I could eat a whole bag. Maybe I'll go to Costco and get the 10 sleeved box. I'm feeling fat, but happy.
School starts 4 weeks from tomorrow.Am I even thinking about it? YUP...a little bit. Really, I have too many things planned between now and then. If I can get a fourth of them done I'll consider it a productive four weeks.
Jen and I are taking Lindsey driving on the freeway (at night) so she can get some driving time. It has only been the past couple of weeks that I wished she was driving. She could definitely run some errands for us.
Thanks for listening,


1 comment:

Haylee said...

I had oreos and milk last night! It is so good! I am glad you have some time to relax!