Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am type of person that likes to know a little about a lot of things. How does one change this attitude to studying a few things in depth?
For example, I have a few model planes that I have not touched in about two years. I so want to get back to them, but seem to cannot take the time to do so. I was just searching the net looking for model trains information. It sounds like it would be fun to do, but with the model thing it is probably takes more money that I have available.
There are four hobbies that I would like to study in depth. I do have a couple others, but these are the ones I want to do. They are not in any specific order. First I want to learn how to use my digital camera more effectively. Second, I want to learn how to play the guitar. Third, I want to start working on my model airplanes. Finally, I thought it would be fun to build a model railroad. I have always liked the HO scale. I picture myself staying in that arena. If I decided to start model railroading and found that I liked another scale better, I would not be opposed to changing. Talk about being a kid again. I would work with 10 year olds, it wouldn't be that much of a difference.
Between these things that may be viewed as trivial and all of the other things that I need to do around the house I can tell you where my time and money will be going.
One thing that I take advantage more than I probably should is reading. I have come to enjoy the time I spend reading. My wife turned me into a reader and sometimes I think she regrets it.
The librarian at my school gets me interested in many books. Lately, I have been reading a lot of fantasy. She hooked me on to Ranger's Apprentice. This is a series. There are 9 volumes planned. 1-5 is available in the U.S. Number 6 will not be available here until next spring. If I had money I would order them from Australia. I found out this afternoon that one of the teachers at school has a son on mission there and is coming home in the first week of December. I am tempted to ask if he could bring home the volumes that are available there. Maybe it wouldn't get him too trunky. Number 5 resolves part of the plot, but leaves Will's osculator in the hands of an enemy. I am anxious to learn how he rescues her.
I wrote the author today and got a response. I was surprised that he responded and responded so quickly. I thought it was really cool.
If you have stumbled upon my blog and have read some of my ramblings, thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ha! I found you! I hope you aren't mad....