Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trouble Sleeping

I am having trouble sleeping, so I thought I would blog some more. Hey this is why I created my own blog so that I could ramble.

Though my purpose is to ramble I am still not sure how much I want to reveal about myself to whomever finds there way to my blog. I am a little surprised that I have been found. I will assume that Pyper found me through a comment I posted on my sister's blog.
My tag is One Man's Blog. I am debating about making a change to This Old Man's Blog. I will readily admit to being 84 years old. I do that so I can convince myself that I feel pretty good for being such an old man. I remember asking my grandpa, who was 86 at the time, how he was feeling. He replied, "I'm feeling old." I then asked how long he had been feeling old. His response?..."6 months." How would it be to not feel old until the ripe old age of 85. I feel jealous at times for the fact that I couldn't wait until I was 85 before I felt old. I try to console myself with the fact that I had 3 heart attacks when I was 27. Does that give me the right to feel old before 85?
We almost made it one year without the convenience of an oven. Long story, but suffice to say that last November 30 our oven broken. Through a series of events and hundreds of dollars it is finally fixed. Jen bought frozen pizza to bake in it and I made some chocolate chip cookies and baked them. We have all put in our orders for what we want to be baked. If nothing else it will be something the kids can share with their kids, like we share the fact that we had to walk 5 miles to school uphill both ways in 3 feet of snow with no shoes.
I believe I have rambled enough, maybe I can sleep now.
Love you all,


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