Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I have been blessed with a great class at school. The faculty with whom I teach is wonderful. Today while in the faculty room we got on the subject of kids/teenagers and life after they get out of the house. Two of the teachers with whom I was talking said that we will only remember the good parts and so will they. One teacher stated that her kids seemed to leave all at once, and she balled for a long time. Both teachers are emptinesters and miss having the kids around. A third teacher said she misses them when they were youngsters. I commented that I will forget months of my life at a time. They replied yes.
I do look forward to the quiet days and these teachers also told I'd miss the chaos. I said I probably would, but I'd like some quiet days mixed in with the current chaos. Maybe someday (which isn't a day of the week).
Though none of my colleagues will see this blog, I would like to take the time to thank them for what they do, and let them I appreciate them very much. Many of them have been a great source of comfort and resources of information. I hope to pay it back and pay it forward.
Merry Christmas all!!!!!

Old Man

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