Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Am Grateful

I am grateful to live in this free land; to be able to learn about the world around me; to worship as I please. Sometimes I wonder at what point we will get the "other" portion of the Book of Mormon. It's a curiosity that I think about every so often.
I am grateful for a wife who loves me despite my dorkiness and stupidity. She has had a long row to hoe. I have lost count of the times that she has had to drive home from the hospital at night by herself; to come home to sleep alone.
I am thankful that I have a job that I enjoy going to. Granted there are days that I would rather leave the mattress glued to my back, but over all I am very blessed. I am grateful that I have discovered the love of reading. I can't believe how much I read now. The real surprise I have about reading is that I sometimes have a craving to read. Especially, when I haven't read a novel of my choosing at times.
I am grateful for good friends. I have an abundance of those and wouldn't give up any of them.
I am grateful to be able to laugh. On occasion, while teaching, I will start laughing for no apparent reason. It's fun to see the kids reaction. Some will start chuckling after a very short period of time. Others will start laughing while saying, "What? What's so funny?"
I am grateful for a mother and father that have loved me very much. I am grateful for my children.

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