Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's Time to Get Up Already?!!!!

I have made every attempt this week to get to bed at a reasonably early hour. A couple of those nights I was successful. However, the last two mornings I have woke up more tired than I felt when I went to bed. Can someone explain that to me? I'd really like to know. I will admit that yesterday morning I woke up about 5:40 and had a stroke of genius. I wrote an essay that I needed to send with my application for the summer institute in New York this summer. I scratched every thing that I had written up to that point.
I don't have strokes of genius very often (heaven forbid I have a stroke ever).
This morning I could not get the mattress off of my back. It was as if extra, extra, extra strength super glue was keeping attached to the bed. My eyelids were so heavy that I would have snapped the toothpicks into microscopic splinters had I tried to use them to prop open my eyelids. I barely made it to school on time.
I went to the wedding reception of Tresa's daughter. I have known of Tresa since elementary school. She works at Greenwood as an aid. It is so much fun to go to events such as these and see a bunch of people from Greenwood there. There were tons of people there. We waited in line for about 30 minutes.
I am blessed to work with some amazing people. Unfortunately, they don't realize how amazing they really are (maybe its better that way). I think everyone ought to get to work with people as awesome as I get to. I'm just hoping that some of the awesomeness rubs off.
Well kids, I'm where? I don't know, so don't ask.


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