Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cube 5 Continued

Cube 5 (don't you love her code name?) has been working here for about 7 months, single, a beautiful pearly white smile, and rumor is that she's an eternal optimist. Fortunately for me she has to walk by my cube to come to or leave work. Like most shy guys, I find excuses to be near or run into her; like pretending to do something in cubicle until she leaves so I can be in the elevator with her. I don't do it enough that she might think I am stalking her. Sometimes she heads to the stairs and I will take the elevator. The opposite is true as well. And sometimes I follow her either way.
What else have I learned about Cube 5? Oh, she likes salami, pepperoni, and ham sandwiches with provolone cheese on whole wheat bread. I know this because she has these sandwiches delivered from a deli down the street. I have tried that place and it's a fantastic place to go.
Sorry, I'll get back to the story.
I have yet to discover her poison, i.e. diet coke, leaded coke, fruit juice, or heaven forbid, plain old water.
Now some of you might be sayin', "Dude, just introduce yourself and ask the girl out." Can't do that. That is not my style. I'm having too much fun learning about her this way. Besides I am couldn't handle the rejections; I'd have to take a week off and climb in a hole or wallow in mud before I could show myself at the office. Nope, not going to do it. I would have to write it all down and then read it verbatim and then I will end up saying, "You are my density." This is the Twenty-First Century, neither of those options are available.

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