Monday, January 25, 2010

How many children's books were published in 2009?

I was in a class today reviewing children's literature. It was a pretty fun class. Not that I have a prize to offer for closest guess, but I'd be willing to hear some of your guesses. I was blown away.
I just about went to the library to find several of the books that were suggested so I could read them. It was a lot of information.
I was starting to fall asleep in the last hour. I think it would be fun to be a presenter. Someday I suppose.
I am getting excited to go on our cruise. I talked with Amy today about some details. Suffice to say that I am a kid at Christmas. I won't be able to sleep until Saturday or maybe Sunday. Maybe it's a good thing that Dave will be driving. I hope to drive some of the time. I really like driving and am excited for a road trip.
Have a great day!!!



Becca said...

i'm going to say....2,500. Am I close??? :)

Tyler said...

My guess is 3257.

Unknown said...

Tyler is closer than Becca.